Never trained before? No problem!

Book your trial experience below and learn why having no experience might actually be a huge advantage for you!

Our Programs

  • Filipino Martial Arts

    As featured in the Jason Bourne movies, Resident Evil movies, and more! Arnis, also known as Eskrima and Kali, is the national sport and martial art of the Philippines. The three are roughly interchangeable umbrella terms for the traditional martial arts of the Philippines ("Filipino Martial Arts," or FMA) that emphasize weapon-based fighting with sticks, knives, bladed weapons, and various improvised weapons.

  • Jeet Kune Do

    Jeet Kune Do or “Way of the Intercepting Fist” was developed by Bruce Lee with direct, non-classical, and straightforward movements. It consists mainly of western boxing, Wing Chun kung fu, and fencing footwork. We will be covering the “Seattle era” Non-Classical Gung Fu and the “Los Angeles” era Ted Wong Jeet Kune Do.

  • Seminars & Workshops

    From professional organizations and corporations to church groups and neighbors, we can help. We offer custom seminar or workshop solutions depending on your groups particular needs. We can come to you or you can travel to us.

  • Tai Chi

    We teach authentic traditional Tai Chi in a way that connects the ancient ideas and concepts to a modern western audience in a language you can better understand. We guarantee you will learn the basics of what makes Tai Chi such a great system for health and martial arts!

  • Private Lessons

    Do you have a crazy schedule, cannot make group classes? Perhaps you have specific situations or topics you want to learn. If so, we have the solution, 1-on-1 private lessons. This allows us to customize the information specifically to your needs and goals.

  • Traditional Chinese Kung Fu

    Our traditional Chinese kung fu program represents the finest martial arts training available. Beginners and experienced practitioners alike build a higher level of overall functional fitness and a base of practical self-defense while fostering deeper martial arts skills.

  • Kids Classes

    For children age 6-12. Students earn belts as they improve their coordination, flexibility, and overall fitness in a safe and fun environment while learning both practical self-defense and building character for today's world through our unique curriculum. Even our games teach important martial skills!

  • Online Learning

    Train online with Amalgam conveniently from anywhere in the world, at your own pace! Our curriculum is a unique mix of traditional martial arts.

In 2015 we were faced with a choice: combine the expertise and talent of several experienced martial arts instructors to take a risk and open the best independent martial arts school we could on our own terms, or simply let experience, expertise, and opportunity slip away…

And here we are today, Amalgam Martial Academy!

  • Confidence

    Gain real confidence in your ability to take care of yourself and the ones you love. There is no reason to live in fear, you can do this, let us show you how.

  • Tradition For Today

    No myths, mysticism, or traditions for their own sake. Our students learn the truth about what really works & why through expert traditional teaching balanced with modern knowledge and practice.

  • Lifetime Health

    Do you need to keep the schoolyard bullies at bay? Do you want to maintain a clear mind and a limber body into your 70’s, 80’s and beyond? Let us show you the way!

  • Honest Business

    We’re not a “McDojo” or “belt factory” type of school, and we don’t do business like one. No long expensive contracts, no hidden fees, no tricks. We’ve gone through that experience so you don’t have to!

Wall Of Honor

These members have entrusted their long-term martial arts learning to our care by investing in a full year of training at a time. Their trust and financial investment help us continue our mission to share the health and safety of traditional martial arts training with future generations in order to build a healthier, safer world.

Charles Family 2023-2024 Michele Clark 2022-2023 D’Adamo Family 2022-2023 Gustafson Family 2022-2023 Tumamao Family 2023

Kristian Tungol 2023-2024 Villanueva Family 2022-2023

Location & Class Times

Class Times:

Little Dragons (ages 3-5)

Wednesdays: 4:30-5 PM

Juniors Class (ages 6-8)

Mondays & Wednesdays 5:00-5:40 PM

Youth Class (ages 9-11)

Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:00-5:40 PM

Teen (ages 12-17) & Adult Class

Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays 6-7 PM

Family Class

Saturdays 11:00-11:40 AM

Kung Fu

Mondays: 7-8 PM - Forms

Thursdays: 7-8 PM - Kickboxing/Competition

Filipino Martial Arts (Escrima/Arnis/Kali)


Family 6-6:45 PM

Adult 7-8 PM

Sundays: 3-4 PM

Jeet Kune Do

Tuesdays: 7-8 PM

Saturdays: 10-11 AM

Tai Chi

Saturdays: 9-10 AM

Private Lessons/Seminars

By Appointment Only


Hosted by Cordia Senior Residence

865 N. Cass Ave.

Westmont, IL 60559


Parking on east side of building. Class entrance through green east side door.