Creed III: A Spoiler-free Review

I recently watched the new movie Creed III at my local IMAX theater. What a relief to be with friends in a full theater after years of being locked down and told to fear our fellow man! Also, what a delight to enjoy mouthfuls of salty, greasy movie theater popcorn again, washed down by far too much Diet Coke! Thank God for personal liberty, napkins, and public restrooms for afterwards!

Creed III is the continuation of the prior two Creed movies, which come from the world of the Rocky movie series from years before. If you are unaware, the featured sport is boxing. Like most movies depicting a real-life professional skill, it is entertaining but will be mildly irritating to an audience who is more familiar wtih real fights. That said, we should know to walk into a movie expecting to suspend disbelief. It’s not supposed to be real.

Creed III was definitely an entertaining movie. It fulfilled most of my expectations of a post-Rocky boxing movie. We meet the main characters, establish the relationships and history with the antagonist, add emotional fuel (aka more reasons to fight), and enjoy an exciting training montage before the climactic end fight where all conflicts are resolved. Did that spoil the movie for you? I hope not.

There were some unexpected moments that made the movie seem like an art film or even a Japanese anime. But overall I enjoyed Creed III, both the movie and the theater experience itself. If you’re itchy for a classic, manly hero story with plenty of satisfying fight action, Creed III is worth the watch.

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